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NECC 2006



ISTEPresented by the
International Society for
Technology in Education

CUEIn cooperation with
California Computer-Using Educators


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Winter 2006

Dear Friend of ISTE & NECC:

The magic of NECC multiplies when educators from all over the world gather to share their passion and excitement about improving teaching and learning with educational technology.

Invite your colleagues to join you at ISTE's annual conference—deepen the experience for the whole team and develop a shared technology and professional development vision for your school or district.

Feel free to share this message with friends you know via listservs and online communities—NECC is a great place to meet face to face!

We hope you'll take a moment to personalize this message. Let your friends and colleagues know how much YOU value NECC and hope to see them there.

ISTE thanks you for your support of NECC!

From: *  (your e-mail address)
To:  (your friend's e-mail address)
Subject: Meet me at the National Educational Computing Conference in July!

Add a personal note to this message:

The following message will be included in the e-mail to your friend:

Meet me at the National Educational Computing Conference in July!

NECC 2006
ISTE's 27th Annual
National Educational Computing Conference

NECC 2006
July 5–7, 2006
San Diego, CA

INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE BASE of effective best practices and emerging technologies by immersing yourself in NECC's rich, active learning environment. Gain hands-on, authentic experience integrating technology into teaching, learning, and school administration. Invest in making a difference—join 16,000 educational leaders in San Diego for NECC 2006!

Teachers • Teacher Educators • Technology Coordinators
Staff Developers • Library Media Specialists • Administrators
Policy Makers • Industry Reps • Exhibitors
...and You!

Register early to take advantage of the SUPER EARLY-BIRD RATE—DEADLINE IS MARCH 31, 2006. And make your hotel reservations now for best selection. Be sure to check the Preliminary Schedule before making your travel plans. Program details will be available mid-February.

One of the outstanding features of NECC is the Exhibit Hall, the largest Ed Tech exhibit in the world. Representatives from more than 500 companies in 1,300+ booths are on hand to share the latest innovations in hardware, software, educational and technical publishing, and equipment/services emphasizing the use of computers by education professionals. The NECC Exhibit is designed to support the educational mission of the conference by creating an atmosphere for genuine dialogue and the sharing of information.

Visit our Web site for a complete listing of exhibitors and descriptions of each, as well as a floor plan of the Exhibit Hall.

Maximize your professional development dollars and inspire your team to shared success: group discounts and other benefits are available for schools, districts, and projects.

Presented by the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

In cooperation with the
California Computer Using Educators (CUE)

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* We are not collecting your e-mail or your friend's for any reason; typing your e-mail here allows it to show up in the "from" field in the e-mail to your friend.

National Educational Computing Conference • July 5–7, 2006 • San Diego Convention Center